IO Technologies [79] Best ALT to Google Analytics(Appsumu deal)

Use real-time data to convert web visitors into readers with IO Technologies
Picture of By Anamul Haque

By Anamul Haque

Normal price $1600


The website was designed to give visitors an online experience with IO Technologies. This means that many of them are there just looking for information and then leaving without ever making a purchase on the site!

You can have a website that looks like an in-store browsing experience for customers, but it should be designed with merchandising and product displays vertically instead of horizontally.

You can visit IO Technologies

Hi there! I’m Anamul, and this is my review of the IO Technologies Appsumo Deal platform.

The app offers a variety of features that can be used by businesses looking to improve their content strategy, such as creating infographics or writing blog posts with SEO optimization techniques, so they rank higher on search engines like Google when people do searches related directly back toward what was written about within those articles/blog posts (which gives you access No platforms). There’s even an option called Inves offline mode where users don’t need wifi at all but rather just cellular data, which means minimal

IO Technologies In detail

The IO Technologies platform is a powerful tool to help you manage your website’s content and traffic data.

Google Analytics alternative: IO Technologies

Content marketers will love the new tool for their campaigns. The ability to monitor real-time engagement with this intuitive, user-friendly app makes it perfect as an update or add-on and in place of traditional counters such as Google Analytics!

We all know the importance of real-time marketing. Without it, you’re missing out on a lot!
Real-Time Marketing allows your business to connect with customers in such as way that they feel valued and respected – which creates loyal consumers who will buy from us again soon enough (and tell their friends).

Text links are the most common way to display products on websites, but they’re not always up-to-date or accurate.

However, this method is no longer effective.

Brands have a responsibility to their customers, and that means providing them with the information they need before making such important purchases online.
A user’s first impression of your brand is just as crucial in today’s ultra-fast-paced world where people research products thoroughly beforehand—you don’t want this person leaving because he couldn’t find out whether or not you carried what was being sold anywhere else on your site!

This blog post aims to help you learn about using the software solutions from TIEECC.

TI Business Architect

TI Business Architect is a versatile tool that can help you plan and track your marketing campaigns from start to finish.

Get all of your marketing data in one place with this powerful tool! It allows you to create and track goals, resources devoted to the campaign, and budget.

You can use the power of real-time data to plan your entire customer journey from prospecting through conversion.

The information in this article will show you how using TI Business Architect, a software that helps businesses identify their target customers and track their progress along each stage during an acquisition process, allows companies more insight than ever before on what they need for future marketing campaigns as well as determine when it is best time invest resources into acquiring new clients or retaining current ones

TI E2E Labeling 

The next time you try to reach a niche group with your marketing campaign, take advantage of TI E2E Labeling. This new software from the experts at TIs can target prospective customers by using information from their form fields, and it’s never been easier than now!

When you target a specific audience, your advertisement will only appear to people who have relevant profile information.

It’s a simple formula, yet it may make all the difference in your website’s conversion rate.

You may utilize TI E2E Labeling for display advertising, click-to-call advertisements, and retargeting campaigns.

TI E2E Marketing Automation

This E-Commerce blog post aims to show you how useful the HubSpot Marketing Automation software is and why you should use it. Learn everything there is to know about HubSpot Marketing Automation without having any prior knowledge! This automation program allows marketers to target their content based on a wealth of data inside HubSpot, which includes things

With Google Analytics, you can create custom audiences to reach out to customers who have shown interest in other brands or topics that are likely relevant to your business. For example, if you run a fashion line and want to target those interested in promoting their own clothes on Instagram but don’t yet know-how, you could use the Facebook Pixel with a remarketing.

The latest technology in marketing automation software helps you increase revenue from online stores across multiple channels with a single solution, such as social media and email.

Contact us today for a free demo of our innovative digital marketing automation software! With the rise in online shopping, it is more important than ever to have an effective site that can convert visitors into customers. We offer you conversion optimization services so your company will be able to succeed with this new trend and reach its goals quickly while staying compliant with current regulations regarding data privacy laws such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Al and Machine Learning 

Al and Machine Learning are a perfect match for those who want to take their website from good enough all the way up into greatness.

The power of artificial intelligence has been used to shape marketing strategies and tactics for years, but it’s only recently that this technology is becoming more widely adopted. This trend can be attributed partly because AI learns from behaviour while also responding quickly when market conditions change.

The term “machine learning” refers to a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses data gathered from all those who visit a website to identify trends.

Personalized environments are then created for future visitors by applying these layouts to them.

Al and Machine Learning are also essential tools for Big Data Analytics. This innovative new software can help you identify which of your products are most popular, thus allowing for more accurate cataloguing.

Assume you’ve discovered that certain items are purchased together more frequently than not.

Instead of having a separate page for each product, you could create one with all your products displayed as a bundle. This way, they’ll be more visible and buying something from the list is easier since there won’t be any filtering or sorting!

Customer Data Can Help You Create Better Product Pages by Using It

As you know, obtaining Internet visitors is the goal of doing business online. However, it’s a waste of time if they do not result in customers.

By using real-time data, successful people are able to design better layouts for their product pages. With real-time data, you can finally give your shoppers the ultimate retail therapy and immediately make them feel excited about their purchase.

Your goal is to get people reading and then convert them into buyers.

TI Business Architect is a business intelligence software solution that helps businesses improve performance and efficiency by integrating data from different sources, such as financials, operations management etc., into one dashboard. This blog post will show you how simple it can be for your company’s information to appear in this system, so go ahead – read more!

How would you like to create a customer journey map for your company? That’s possible with the help of TI Business Architect or E2E Labeling software and marketing automation.

You’ll want to get a sense of where the buyer is in the purchase process and then guide them through taking action, such as adding an item to.

To ensure that images appear in Google search results, use image taggers.

Think of the last time you tried to find something on Google; all that appeared were results from websites with no images. To fix this problem, use an image tagger, so pictures show up in search engine rankings!

What’s the best way to ensure your images show up in Google search results? Tag them! You can use an image tag, like this one: “Height: 120px; width: 160px.”

The purpose of these taggers is to assist you in getting more views and conversions by matching the keywords and phrases your customers are looking for.

Image tagging is a must-have for any business that wants to optimise its social media presence. With this software, you can identify which images perform better than others and ensure they’re at the forefront of your marketing strategy!

However, many sites utilize unique image tags for each item or category.

It’s sometimes better to have a worldwide image tag with distinct keywords or phrases assigned to each item so that visitors can quickly discover what they’re searching for on your site and make an informed purchase decision right away.

Individual customer journeys may be segmented using al-based segmentation.

You should combine Al-based segmentation with rich media displays to maximise your website’s conversion rates.

This is not just about knowing where your customers are located; this technology enables you to connect with them on an individual level and provide tailored solutions for their needs.

You may examine this information to see how users interact with your site, what kinds of products they’re seeking for on search engines like Bing, or what issues they’re looking for online.

The ultimate goal is to increase sales, improve customer loyalty and engagement, reduce marketing costs, and increase brand awareness and trust through deep knowledge of every single client journey.

Start by utilizing Al-based segmentation and TI E2E Labeling and Marketing Automation software, which help you build distinct landing pages for each.

These solutions allow you to build a single marketing platform that delivers more customized interactions with consumers and conversions over time, allowing you to increase sales and ROI.

Click here to get the IO Technologies Appsumo Deal Now.

Pricing & Plans IO Technologies

It enables you to produce content that encourages reader involvement.

It comes with three pricing plans;

Lite, Smart, and Enterprise.

Lite Plan $200/month:

  • 2M monthly pageviews
  • 5tracking dimensions
  • Ten seats
  • Realtime & historical data
  • Articles, authors, sources, and devices data
  • On-site widget, email digests, and data export
  • Google AMP, Facebook IA

Smart Plan $500/month:

  • Everything Lite Plan Features
  • 5M monthly pageviews
  • 15 tracking dimensions
  • 20 seats
  • Conversions fracking Conversions and native apps tracking
  • Extra properties

Click here to see and more pricing plans;

Or: You can get the IO Technologies appsumo deal for $79.00!

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IO Technologies Appsumo lifetime Deal [$79]

IO Technologies provides a fantastic platform where you will get real-time analytics showing your content performance. This allows for strategic decision-making and encourages good user experience design, which in turn increases conversion rates!


  • Lifetime access to IO Technologies Smart Plan.
  • Everything Smart Plan Features
  • 25,000 total page views per month
  • 2 seats
  • Unlimited domains

IO Technologies Appsumo Lifetime Deal is available for only $59.00.

Furthermore, you can get an extra 10% off by following the instructions given below.

  • Go to the “IO Technologies Appsumo Lifetime Deal” page!
  • Wait for the Discount Popup to show up.
  • Please enter your email address.
  • Click to “UNLOCK MY 10%.”
  • Check your inbox for a coupon code for an extra 10% off.
  • This offer is only valid for the first purchase.
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Hey, hold on, I’ve got some good news for you. Do you really want a 10% discount on everything you buy?

Then sign up for Appsumo Plus and get 10% off everything you buy.


Customer journey analytics is gaining a lot of attention. While many activities need to be completed to measure your company’s success, it is not primarily about gathering and putting data in a spreadsheet. It’s all about making informed decisions based on real-time data that result in higher conversion rates. Customer journey analytics is a hot topic at the moment.

If you have an online presence and want to increase the number of conversions on your website, this approach is for you.

So you can try it for 2 months. Zero payment. And read more reviews click here

Happy Journey


Picture of By Anamul Haque

By Anamul Haque

I am Anamul Haque, a professional WordPress developer. I have worked in this field for the last two years very successfully. I worked with many clients and got a lot of 5-star reviews. You can visit my profiles on Fiverr, Upwork, and PeoplePerHour if you need any help. Thank you!

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